Indie Quilt is a collaborative game comprised of 30-second gameplay experiences from a number of devs, organized by @Erichermit.  If you’ve seen Wario Ware, you’re familiar with the concept.

Interested devs have until August 17th to submit a Unity scene containing their game.  If you’ve been wanting to start learning Unity since their new 2D update, this is the perfect opportunity to begin with a simple game project.

  • Game must be won or lost in under 30 seconds, returning a boolean
  • Game must support 10 difficulty settings
  • Controls: WASD keys, Space, and Mouse. Controller input optional.

From the Indie Quilt site:

This collaborative game will be sold, and all proceeds from the game will go straight to the charity Child’s Play.

You can contribute with almost any game-related skillset you have! If you’re a gamedev, contributing a minigame is obviously the easiest way. However, if you are instead (or also!) an artist, musician, or some other creator then by offering resources for use in this collaboration you can also have a direct impact and meaningful contribution.

I will be submitting a simple 2D chase game of my own and hope plenty of other devs participate, either with new games or by submitting pieces of older games.  If you have any questions, direct them to @Erichermit or

Announcing Indie Quilt