In 2012 I decided to try making a videogame for the Xbox 360’s indie arcade. I missed the AI work I had done in robotics and thought videogames would be a good way to continue that work without having to
Nonadecimal in 2015
Now that I think about it, 2015 was an amazing year for Nonadecimal Creative. In January, I shared a booth with 3 awesome indie devs while showcasing Social Justice Warriors at PAX South. This was my first time attending a
PAX South 2015 Recap
If I delay posting this any longer, I’ll risk having attended yet another PAX first! The short version: I ran a booth at PAX South for Social Justice Warriors which was an amazing success that has kept me insanely busy
Nonadecimal in 2014
2014 was a big year for Nonadecimal that marked a transition from “hobbyist” to “real game dev.” Read about 3 games and more.
Indiecade Feedback for Social Justice Warriors
I submitted my recent Social Justice Warriors game to the Indiecade International Festival of Indie Games. While I didn’t expect it to be nominated for any recognition, I was already intending to attend the event in October and entering my
Dev Perspective – Investing Time in Indie Dev
A look at the time commitment required to make your first game and general advice for aspiring independent developers.