I’ve always lived an improbable life. Things that you’d assume were unlikely to occur happen to me way too frequently. Fortunately, more of those improbable events are good rather than bad, so I’m generally very lucky. Unluckily, I started the
Nonadecimal in 2014

2014 was a big year for Nonadecimal that marked a transition from “hobbyist” to “real game dev.” Read about 3 games and more.
Second Annual Festivus Showdown

Have the standard consumer holidays left you feeling gloomy? Downtrodden by the abundance of cheer? There’s a cure for that. It’s Festivus for the rest of us! Get free videogames* for playing videogames! *Antichamber, Awesomenauts, Bastion, Black Ice, Deus Ex, Dr. Spacezoo,