I’m excited to report that I finally have enough environment objects created to begin designing and testing levels in my first scheduled project, Afterdeath.

Afterdeath is a 2D platformer that will be released through Xbox Live Indie Games, Ouya, and PC in 2013. In Afterdeath, the grim reaper must track and follow a robot through dark underworlds and surreal realms of myth to retrieve the stolen tool of its trade, Death’s scythe.

This month I’ll continue aggressive debugging of the engine, refining the player controls to provide even more fluid gameplay, and filling up the world maps with completed levels to playtest. The current cache of environment objects at my disposal includes stationary and moving hazards (a platformer staple), jump pads (launch you into the air), dropout platforms (run and jump off them in freefall), springboards (aka diving boards, control the height of jumps), updrafts (a dense column of air that buoys objects upward), and pendulums (both weaponized and platformized). I’m currently working on adding moving platforms, various types of projectiles, and triggered events although so many interesting levels are already possible with the completed objects.

One down, one hundred and forty-nine more to go.

Don't judge: actual art assets TBD

Level One: Complete